Sunday, March 3, 2013

Middle Lane Champion index(AP)

Today we will be discussing more about the middle lane

The middle lane champions are divided into 2 groups: Today we will be talking about the AP champions.

1. AP(ability power) champions: These champions are usually squishy and bursty, unlike attack damage they use spells to do damage. These spells are strengthen through acquiring more ability power through items. The main idea of an AP carry is for them farm up and do as much damage as they can before they die. They are the buffer zone for protecting your more valuable carries such as the AD(attack damage carry). Known to fall off as the game progresses the AP carry is invaluable during the early and middle game with there strong burst damage, some even able to 1 combo players. This is the lane to be watching for, kills are back and forth during games, and this the lane where the players will be looking to make plays around the map.
Here are some AP champions i think are the best at the moment:

Ahri: She is and has been a consistent safe pick since she was realeased. Known for her ultimate ( the ability to jump 3 times) allows her to move around the battlefield at ease. Her strengths include maxing Q and shoving the lane out to roam with her high mobility, or steal the enemy wraiths without fear of a gank. She is prone to ganks without any means of escape except her taunt pre-6, that is when you want to play safe and smart. 
Difficulty: Easy
Skill Order: R>Q>W>E
Items: Boots 3pots -> lucky pick/2x doran rings -> sorcerer boots -> DFG -> Death Cap -> Twin Shadows 
Runes/Masteries: 21/0/9     
Magic pen reds, Flat armor yellows, Flat magic resist blues, Flat ap quits
TL:DR farm safe till 6, farm wraiths, roam when lane is shoved, build DFG and high AP your goal is the run into the enemy front line and devastate there carry, a 1 for 1 trade atleast.
Anivia: Anivia is a highskill cap which requires a lot of farm. Her wave clearing capabilities are unmatched and can keep mid laners from roaming or they will lose a lot of experience. 
Difficulty: Hard
Skill Order: R>E>Q>W put 2 on Q before you start to max E
Items: Fairy Charm, Hp pots, ward-> Tear -> catalyst -> rod of ages -> death cap -> arch angel -> warmongs -> liandyras/void staff
Runes/Masteries: 21/0/9 vs people you can kill, 9/0/21 if you want to farm  
Magic pen reds, Flat armor yellows, Flat Mr resist blues, Flat ap quits  
or Magic pen reds, Hp per level yellows, ap per level blues, movement speed quits
TL:DR do not play passive even when you are low level, you are still very strong with your auto attacks and spells. if you land your Q you can get a kill easily, but your main concern is to farm up and get big. Use your walls to seperate your carries from getting killed, find fights in the jungle.
Lux: Lux is known for her long range spells, and 4 skill shots. All of her spells are skill shots making her one of the more difficult champions. You want to be a glass cannon that is always landing her ults on 5 people if possible, the point of the ult is not to ks in a teamfight but to hit everyone.
Difficulty: Hard
Skill Order: R>E>W>Q
Items: Fairy Charm, Hp pots, ward-> Tear -> Boots-> Mejai/Death Cap->Sorcerors->archangel->DFG-> (get cd items till near 40%) -> void staff
Runes/Masteries: 21/0/9 
Magic pen reds, ap per level yellows, ap per level blues, flat ap quit
TL:DR Farm far away as your damage is low in the early game, but once you hit 6 play aggressive and try to go for kills. Do not be afraid to use your ult to try to steal blues, dragons, or just to clear mid lane and base. Make sure you roam and snipe people that are low. ALWAYS ULT MULTIPLE PEOPLE DO NOT USE ULT TO KS IN TEAM FIGHTS
Nidalee: Nidalee is my best and favorite champion in the game. Being versatile and gaining a lot of mobility after hitting level 6 she can skirt around the map and look for easy targets to pick off.
Difficulty: Hard
Items: Fairy Charm, Hp pots, ward-> Tear ->Sorceror boots-> Mejai/Death Cap->archangel->any cd items to hit 40% cd
Runes/Masteries: 21/9/0 make sure you get the spell pen and armor pen, as you will be doing a lot of physical attacks as Nidalee
TL:DR Farm till you get a tear, but be sure to be aggressive your normal attacks hurt! Spear away, and make sure you trap up lanes when you siege towers to lower surface area and increase chances of hitting a spear.


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