Thursday, March 14, 2013

Singed Guide

Hello, today we will be talking about Singed, a champion that excels at farming and kiting(running and killing champions). His kit seems very simple but takes a lot of game experience to truly master.

 Singed's passive increases his health by 100 for every 25 mana. This skill is very important, as stacking mana items will make him more tanky such as tear and catalyst.

 Singed's op skill, basically increases everything. You never want to fight your lane opponent without this skill, nor want to be farming in between towers without this skill.
Toss enemy, can be used to iniate or even do some tricks which i will explain later.
 Singed's bread and butter skill, used to farm and kill enemies, basically a line of posion gas behind singed.
His slow, very important for peeling and killing champions. 


The standard and most effective singed mastery build. You want the most out of the defensive stats, while getting enough utility to spam your poison gas.

Standard match up:

Fairy Charm/manapots/healthpots/ward IF jungler can pressure you->tear->catalyst->blasting wand->rod of ages->merc treads->spell vamp->armor/mr according to team->finish arch angel->build tanky

Skill Order: 

I like to maximize my damage, therefore i max q and e before i put any on w.


Vs. mana champions that harass a lot

Easy match ups

Laning as Singed:

The most important phase for Singed is his laning phase. Singed has one of the longest laning phase of any champion.

One of the most important things about early game singed is not being greedy and pushing with your Q. Your Q is weak and you lose mana really easily. You want to save your Q for when you trade with the enemy, auto attack + Q. Otherwise farm with your normal attack.
If your lane does happened to get push, always run back to the brush and recall. If the enemy jungler appears just stand still and recall, if not continue to farm. Using this method is safe but can make you miss out on farm so therefore you usually do not want to push out. Make sure when laning you are constantly keeping your health above 75%, chugging all potions necessary. Also do not be afraid to toss your enemy into your minion line and add auto attacks as you run alongside the enemy. AUTO ATTACKS HURT!!!
Once you hit level 6, and have a tear you can start running past the enemy tower after shoving it to the tower and farm between towers. You want to make sure you buy plenty of potions, keep tabs of the jungler and use the recall brush trick whenever you cleared the minion wave. The trick i use when hiding in the brush is watching my own top lane, the minions spawn at the same time therefore move at the same speed, so once my own minions pass my 2nd tower i move out of the brush to farm. Farming like this is very important because it
1. Applies pressure throughout the map, if 2-3 people come gank you, your team can make plays through towers or dragon
2. Requires constant jungle attention, the enemy jungle must constantly try to stop you 
3. Kills champions without substain at towers, some champions cannot take minion damage, over time they get low and you can finish them off
4. Ensures you get as much farm as possible without missing any 
5. Slowly widdles the tower down
When playing singed it is also important to watch the map, if the enemy piles for a dragon you want to shove a lane as much as possible and get something out of the trade, you are constantly farming and using your teleport to join the fight after pulling people to guard your huge minion wave.
Team fighting:
Although I do not have photos of how to team fight, it is also really important to fight properly.
Your job as Singed is to iniate fights, use your W to protect your carries, toss tanks/brusiers out of your carries way ( even void tossing, trick shown later) and running at the enemy carries to apply pressure and seperate the team. It is good when mutiple people are attacking you, which means less damage applied to your team but you do not want to take free damage. Make sure you are always in between the fight, do not run too far away to secure kills, stay with your team and peel.

The Mechanics: Tricks/Tips

Void toss (not invented by me): a very important skill to learn, you face the wall and if your enemy is chasing behind you, you can toss them over the wall. Works for many thin walls or trees. Very important to master when getting ganked or in jungle fights.
Posion Gas tricks: 
1. By tapping Q you can perserve mana while still applying maximum amount of damage, very good for low level
2. Keeping posion gas on auto increases your max mana for tear
3. running in zig zags, and being just out of the minion's attack range is important when farming
4. Do not out run the enemy or minion, wait for them with a simple taunt or stop to apply damage.
5. Add auto atacks when running side by side with enemy champions to apply more damage

Mega adhesive:
VERY IMPORTANT: you aim the skill leading where the enemy is going not on top of the enemy, your circle should not be touching the enemy at all for a very good and long slow, espically if you have a rylais!!!

Match ups:
VERY Hard(need to give up farm, farm lanes and base constantly)(should probably not lane vs): KAYLE, ELISE, POPPY, SWAIN

Hard(can be laned vs but needs some expertise, and hard to kill): Teemo, Vladimir, Rumble, Akali, Yorick, Jayce, 
Medium(fair match ups, somewhat difficult): Nasus, Trydnamere, Soraka, Jarvan, Khaxiz, Lee Sin, Udyr

Easy match ups(counters)You better stomp them!: Everyone else ;)

Thanks for reading my Singed guide, i will add more to it.

P.S. Play Singed without fear, make sure you are in the enemy's face constantly farming and running around, barely escaping to add insult to injury. 

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