Middle lane mechanics
Today we will be discussing my favorite lane, and one of the most diverse lanes since season 3 for League of Legends.
I decided to play a normal game real quick with some real life friends. We start the game loading up with blue team(my team) Akali, Taric, Ziggs, Ashe, Xin Zhao verus purple team(enemy team) Twitch, Nasus, Syndra, Nami, Vi. As the game starts i immediately realize I will be laning verus Diana with Vi jungle. There is also the threat of a teleport Nasus and invisible Twitch gank. Before the game start i know the chances of me dying will be great, so the goal of this laning phase will be to farm minions.
Right after the game loads I start off with a fairy charm (to build into tear of goddess/ or chalice vs double ap), ward ( vi ganks with her q are dangerous), some health pots and mana pots to substain.
I start off the game burnin a lot of potions harassing Diana, a trick for good wave clearers/ range ap mids is rushing 2 through taking wraiths or shoving very hard. This trick only works if you know where the jungler starts. You take a lot of risk assuming you won't get ganked but you kill minions as fast as possible and zone your enemy mid out by hitting 2 before them. A lvl 2 mid will always beat a lvl 1 mid, with 2 skills and more base stats. As you can see i blew my flash and ignite, and forced my lane to do the same, but also base. I am now way ahead of my lane counterpart. Since I blew flash and I am lvl 3 almost 4( most junglers that havent ganked will hit 4 around the same time you will getting there ganking skill) thats when you want to put the ward down. I put the ward watching the wraiths entrance, and stay towards that side so the chances of me getting ganked are way lower.
It is 7:19 and I have 49 minion kills, I manage to shove out my lane opponent. I constantly shove the wave so I can take the enemy tower as quick as possible and give my team global gold. While it is dangerous to keep shoving onwards with the tower down so early, the benefits to the team and the pressure of me being able to roam around the map makes it worth it to take the middle tower as fast as possible.
Fast foward the game a little, I farm my wraiths and the enemy wraiths while the lane is shoved to the 2nd tower. I die a couple of times during this process but it is okay. As you can see from the picture I am now at 117 minion creeps at 13:30minutes. Diana has 39minion kills because I am constantly forcing her to cs at her tower. She is also forced to follow me when I roam or I will kill the other laners, while also protecting Vi's jungle from my invade. The amount of pressure I apply by shoving middle and taking the jungle creeps allow my team to do anything they please around the map. I may die a few times but I am still ahead of Diana.
A fight breaks out near dragon, with us deciding to contest it. Jungle fights are what a area of effect(aoe) champion like ziggs wants. I make sure my ultimate hits everyone and chuck bombs are a far range while protecting Ashe( our attack damage carry(adc)). Notice I start my build with a tear but do not complete it as a death cap would provide more raw damage for all my skills.
The game drags on but my lead on all of the enemy champions widens. I now have 281 cs at 25:49minutes. With the closest champions being the enemy nasus with 171 and my ashe with 167. When ever you have a huge lead you want to start all fights. During every team fight my goal is to use my minefield(e) and (w)rubberduck thing to protect my ashe. My (q)bombs will be thrown at the enemy carries and my (r)ultimate will be used to hit as many champions as possible, not finish people off( a huge misconception for many players). If played correct and I can peel nasus/vi/diana off my ashe the game will end easily. As the game continues on my goal is get as much ability power(ap) as possible. I start off with a death cap, get another large rod(because my tear is not at 750/750), then finish my archangel since it hit 750/750.
We fight a well-coordinated fight protecting our carries and killing there frontline(tanks) and then finally killing the carries ending the game easily. Most fights if fought properly should end in this fashion.
Peel for our carries/kill enemy frontline--->rush there carries(enemy cant fight back without anyone to provide as a buffer zone for carries to apply damage).
Was a good game hope you learned a lot about middle and Ziggs.
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